Some Random Questions

How can I donate a bike?
Your bike will provide a tremendous resource for someone in need. You may drop off bikes at the Upcycle Bikes shop Monday - Thursday between 10am and 4pm. We are located in Suite 110 at 800 Monroe Ave. NW in downtown Grand Rapids.

What types of bikes do you need?
We appreciate donations of any adult bike or bike parts. Just about any bike can be made functional and safe again or it can be used for parts.

Do you accept e-bikes?
These are the one type of adult bikes we don’t currently refurbish. E-bikes present a whole new set of challenges and capabilities that we are not equipped for yet. If you have an e-bike in excellent condition that you would still like to donate, we could use it for an event raffle. 

I am interested in becoming a volunteer or a partner. How can I help?
Thank you! We are a growing organization, so we can use your support in a variety of ways. Bike acquisition, bike refurbishment, event organizing, fund raising, marketing, etc. are just some of the main areas where we are looking to grow are capacities. Please contact us at and let us know what you are thinking.

How can I host a bike drive?
Bike acquisition is one of our greatest needs. Please contact us at, and we’ll connect with you quickly.

I know someone who could use a bike. How can I get one?
Currently, we only provide bikes to our distribution partner organizations. They have the knowledge, scale, and relationships to best determine how to allocate bikes based on need. 

How can my organization become a partner to receive bikes?
Our ability to partner with new community organizations will continue to grow as we continue to grow. To learn more and to begin a conversation by filling out the form on our Become a Partner page.

What is your favorite season? 
Summer! It is easiest for our riders to commute during the warm months. We also like to be outside, interacting with the community, when it’s warm. 

What is your favorite brand of bike?
Of course, we each individually have our preferences. Each bike is a new adventure and a new opportunity, though, and that makes our jobs fun.